13 Questions (v2.0) with The Hell You Say

The Hell You Say is rowdy as fuck. There it is. I'm not sure how else to put it. Rowdy. As. Fuck. Both their stage performance and recorded material are pure canned chaos. At a The Hell You Say show, the current state of affairs doesn't mean a thing. It's the spectacle that matters. It's the sounds and the sights. It's the anger and the insistence and the movement. Make no mistake, you ARE in danger. But "danger" is relative, and subjective, and you're in danger just putting your fat foot on a wet bathroom floor in the morning, but you do it all the time. The Hell You Say have things to scream about, and reasons to take rock'n'roll to ballistic levels of volume and intensity. They obviously have some existential shit they need to work out, and I think we should all feel lucky that music is their creative outlet. A The Hell You Say experience is one to give yourself up to completely. Resistance is basically futile. Whether ...